Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tippmann 98 Paintball Gun Can you spray paint the barrel, Tank and hopper w/out any problems?

I was just wondering, cuz some people say of course not, adn others say yes , and can you sraypaint the gun too??? thanksTippmann 98 Paintball Gun Can you spray paint the barrel, Tank and hopper w/out any problems?
Well the short answer is that you can do it.

The long answer is this: First spray paint doesn't really work that well from an aesthetic standpoint or for longevity. Two, you have to be really really really careful in how you do it. You can't just spray any which way.

Barrel. If there is any porting in your barrel, you would need to tape that off. You need to keep the inside of the barrel just like it is. Even the smallest amount of paint on the inside will make the ball go funny.

If you have an electric hopper, you're going to run into problems there as well. I'd suggest taking the whole thing apart and shooting just the exterior.

The 98 is black, so I';m not sure why you'd want to paint it anyway.

As far as painting the gun itself. I would strongly advise against this. If you insist on doing it, you need to take your gun completely apart. Take all the moving bits out. Tape off every tiny little hole and crack. You don't want a speck of paint on the inside. You don't want anything to gum up. You'd be surprised how much a little bit of gunk inside your marker will affect the entire works.Tippmann 98 Paintball Gun Can you spray paint the barrel, Tank and hopper w/out any problems?
Aaron R nailed it.
Depends on what kind of painting you want to do. sells camo paint that you can spray on, but it's not a permanent paint job. You'd have to reapply it after every game. If you're talking about a fancy, professional looking job that lasts I would have to say no. I have actually seen people using 98's that they painted themselves but the whole process is long and complicated and you have to remove any paintball paint that gets on the gear right away or it damages the finish.

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