Thursday, March 4, 2010

Can spray paint kill you?

any kind of paint can kill you, and i'm gonna give you an example of how it works. If you snort it it can cover the inside of your lungs and smother you to death not to mention poison you . Damned paint was made for painting things not snorting and same goes for gasoline.Can spray paint kill you?
yesCan spray paint kill you?
Yes is you light it when you spray it, it could explode. I had a friend who thought it was cool to light the paint when it came out and have a flaming tourch and it came back onto him. He was lucky to live. He has most of his face skin grafted back on.
if you're spraying it up your nose, then yes. the fumes can be harmful, so it's best to use a face mask when using it.
of corse it can kill u. if u inhale 2 much toxics your lungs will start 2 fail and u wont be able 2 breath so u die, thats sad.
If you sniff it and get high off of it, yeah!
Spray paint in small amounts kills off brain cells. They are the only ones that don't reproduce. Large amounts will kill you.


  1. This is very helpful. thanks. will not snort. I <3 u

  2. 1234567890 aahh i drank it suck mu nut

  3. Was the person who wrote this high or just uneducated ? Corse= Course, U=you. Credibility matters, and even if what you are saying is truth, no educated person will believe someone that writes this way.

    1. I can tell just by reading your comment you're not educated

  4. if I spray paint a table and I don't wear a mask and I breathe it in can it kill me right away
